An early kick-off

Well, things have started early!  Today at 2pm today (Sunday 1st) a group of bailiffs and police came and evicted people from a piece of land by Stapleton Allotments – the site where development is due to begin.

However 6 activists got into the trees – high up and stayed there!  Some of them are still there now and intend to be there all night.

Imbolc celebrationWe then had our planned Imbolc celebration – with more people than we would have had – and the police and security stayed on the other side of the trees ( they are on the boundary with Feed Bristol). It was all rather surreal and we are expected more reinforcements tomorrow….so it has begun!

So far there is no evidence that the conditions set in the planning permission have been met … we need as many peaceful souls there as possible to so they know just how many of us care …